Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Sage 300 ERP (formerly Sage ERP Accpac) untuk Berbagai Industry.

Diatas adalah Integrated Service yang kami berikan, adapun ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System yang kami sediakan sudah kami terapkan pada berbagai Industry dengan kompleksitas dan solusi masing masing untuk setiap Industry,
-          ERP for Manufacturing Industries
-          ERP for Telecommunication Industries
-          ERP for Oil and Gas Services
-          ERP for Mining
-          ERP for Hospitality Industries
-          ERP for Pharmaceutical Industries
-          ERP for Chemical Industries
-          ERP for Plantation
-          ERP for Retail and Distribution
-          ERP for Non Government Organization
Untuk informasi detail mengenai layanan kami dalam berbegai bidang industry, silahkan menghubungi kami di, atau di  +62812 83101655 / +6221 33361602, kami akan dengan senang hati melayani dan berbagi  pengalaman kami dalam penerapan ERP System khususnya (Sage 300 ERP).

Sabtu, 03 November 2012

Why Indonesian Industries Need ERP

With the growing economic and business growth in Indonesia, there are still many companies in Indonesia that have not noticed how important a system or procedure relating to the operations, human resources , with the reporting being handled by the finance accounting. Double record, data is not real time, cost uncontrolled, Unsecure data, are some examples of ineffectiveness in a business process.

Managing procedures and resources, it has become very important to have a tool which can help you coordinate several activities, and the best one is ERP. The advantages of having ERP are many. It gives you the opportunity to integrating every procedure of your business while improving the quality of several areas simultaneously. These areas include human resources, accounting and operations. In addition, ERP helps to increase your production levels and to control your costs more efficiently, and this means that you will be able to control the whole enterprise more efficiently.

A very important facility of the ERP systems is that they can increase the availability of the information, helping companies to have information in real time to make decisions and accurate prognostics regarding the organization. It is important to mention that ERP systems are a very powerful tool when it comes to processing and organizing financial data. It improves the development of the commercial activity in the short and long term.

In the enterprise management module you can perform integral strategic planning, keeping an eye on the daily activities and having fluent communication with the investors. The human resources module allows you to make decisions and optimize the company's investments regarding employees. With all of this one can see that an ERP system brings visible advantages.
Another important consideration to make is that the implementation of ERP takes time and generates deep changes in the way you do business. But the important thing to remember is that every enterprise can see the benefits of the ERP systems, although for the first period it may only seem like an investment. The benefits indeed are really bigger than the costs, and it is very valuable l to invest in an ERP system.

INTISERV  will help you to realize this solution into your Business with SAGE 300 ERP (Formerly Sage ERP ACCPAC) and Other Solution that we provide.
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Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012



INTISERV mempunyai sebuah team dengan pengalaman panjang dalam implementasi SAGE ERP ACCPAC, dengan skill dan pengetahuan mendalam kami menawarkan pengalaman dalam setiap project yang kami layani. Adapun SAGE 300 ERP (Formerly Sage ERP ACCPAC) sendiri adalah ERP Software yang mengintegrasikan department berikut ini :

Purchase Order/Purchasing Workflow
Inventory/Logistic/Manufacturing/Apparel Inventory
Sales Order/Point of Sales/CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Project and Job Order/Service Manager
Asset Management/Asset Leasing/Asset Maintenance
Cash and Bank/Cashflow
Account Receivable
Account Payable
General Ledger

Dan kami memberikan dukungan untuk mengoptimalkan Sage 300 ERP (Formerly Sage ERP Accpac) dengan pembuatan Interface Customization (Program yang dibuat dengan cara mengambil info/database dari Sage 300 ERP untuk kemudian mendevelop sebuah interface) dan Report Developer (pembuatan format laporan untuk semua module dalam Sage 300 ERP dengan bantuan Crystal Report), Penggunaan Crystal Report ini sangat powerfull dikarenakan kita bisa develop semua report sesuai dengan keinginan user.
Dengan semua solusi diatas kami mengharapkan bisa memberikan solusi terintegrasi yang Powerfull dan stabil untuk menunjang kinerja, control dan performance Perusahaan.
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